Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Day of Today

So gar fo hood... I must say that this jet lag is kicking my ass. I've been staying pretty busy to attempt get into the swing of things. My dad and I have been training every day since we have been here and I hope to be in some kind of shape by the time school starts. Today I went in to do some work for the school. It is almost time for orientation so they needed me to get the welcome packets and handouts ready. I'm quite the machine when it comes to the busy work that is thrown at me. Because of the intense storm that hit today right as I rode home for lunch I only managed to work for two hours and finished most of everything, yay! After work my dad and I hit the gym which didn't have the a/c turned on so it was only a pleasant dead heat of 110. On that note I feel like such an old man. After the first set of work outs my lower back was in such intense pain I had to do a whole different exercise than me padre. I hope nothing is seriously wrong with me and it is just from sitting on that uncomfortable seat on the plane ride here. Well after sweating off a few tons of water weight I biked back home to make dinner for the family plus my mom's coworker. I amazingly timed everything to finish right when her coworker was supposed to arrive only to find out that the microwave clock is twenty minutes fast. In other news I found out a way to unlock my iphone so I don't have to purchase a new phone. Tomorrow I'm going to go downtown to buy a sim card for it and buy tickets for the Handsome Furs show that is on Friday! I'm going to bring my camera and post a video/pictures from the show. Now I just have to fight off an hour or so of sleepiness before I can lay in bed. Tomorrow I'm going to post a crap ton of music on my other blog to attempt to offset the past two months of laziness.

P.S. Day five of no smoking and still going strong. Luckily I have yet to go into a nicofiend rage.

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