Saturday, August 7, 2010


So far so good on this end. I've been staying pretty busy between work, working out, going out, take outs, shake outs, and shout outs. I have yet to really study any Chinese to get a leg up before school starts. Every time I attempt to start I run to the tv and put on an episode of Criminal Minds. It isn't a very good show but I love Inigo Montoya thus my new addiction. Friday night was the Handsome Furs concert at Yuyintang. It was fucking amazing! The venue was relatively small and unorganized. They let people in before the show started in order to increase their drinking sales and then attempted to round everyone up out of the bar to make some sort of line. One of the guys was saying don't worry just hang out inside and another one was trying to get us out and whatever I didn't care I just went to pee upstairs instead. A little while later they attempted to completely take my ticket away instead of ripping it. I interjected with me and possibly other concert goers might want it for a keepsake.... silly people. The layout of the club was a little odd as it seemed more like a former restaurant that they mashed up. Of course they never installed any real means of air conditioning the place. They had four little room fans attached to the ceiling over the stage which by the time Handsome Furs played had all shorted out due to the humidity but I doubt they would have been much use anyways. Once you entered the door to the left was a small room that during bar hours was used for the one foosball table. They re-purposed it for the merch room. Straight ahead was a small room with three tables, the stairway to the second floor, and at the end an exit for outside. To the right was the a square bar followed by a raised area that is tucked right behind the sound booth which holds seating for a few people. Right in front of that area is the relatively standing room and the stage. The first band was strange in a goodish way. Musically they weren't very spectacular but they made up for it in other ways. They consisted of three members a drummer/lead singer, a bass player, and an extra symbols player. The last one just seemed like a friend of the lead singer/drummer and added him in the band for fun. The bass player was a deadpan ambiguous Asian girl while the other two were crazy wild British dudes. The way he sung was by placing his mouth completely over the microphone and spazzing out with drums. At one point he stood up on his drum kit and was banging the symbols with his microphone, which was highly entertaining. The next band Duck! Fight! Goose! tried very hard to seem like they were a good band. I enjoyed them a lot less than the first band and wish them all the best at keeping any fans as they SUCK! RIGHT! YES? As for Handsome Furs they were fucking godly. They are a husband and wife duo of rockingness. She mainly plays the synths/keyboard and other techy stuff all the while kicking her legs out to the side when she got really into it. They played until their faces fell off from all the sweat. It was an amazing show and all the more awesome being right in front of them. There was crowd surfing and moshing going on throughout their entire set. In the US they ban a lot of that from music venues which is fucking lame. The only problem with that was that my hand was still hurt from falling on it wrong. I ended up being the only person in one area to stop this guy from falling while moshing. If it wasn't for the adrenaline I would have been in serious pain. I ended up grabbing an awesome Handsome Furs poster before I left which looks very similar to the picture I posted beforehand. Well I had forgotten to finish this post from earlier this month so Ill leave it at this. LATER SPACE COWBOY!

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